Werner Radtke Vers.-Verm. GmbH
CEO: Christopher Hirsch
Soorstrasse 17
14050 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 300 99 820
Fax: 030 / 300 99 822
Registered office: Berlin
Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Commercial register number: HRB 11433
Registration no. D-8135-7FFWW-27
Supervisory authority
acc. §11a Abs.1
Deutsche Industrie- u. Handels-Kammertag e.V.
Breite Str. 29, 10178 Berlin
Tel.: 0180/600 58 50
(Fixed line price 0,20 €/call; Mobile phone prices max. 0,60 €/call)
Arbitration boards
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Postfach 080632, 10006 Berlin
Ombudsmann Private Kranken - und Pflegeversicherung
Kronenstraße 13, 10117 Berlin
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Grauheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn
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All product names, product designations and logos mentioned on this website are registered trademarks and the property of their respective owners. The design, photos, graphics and content are our intellectual property, unless individual content is subject to third-party copyright. The reproduction of third-party content is subject to the permission of the respective owner, unless general permission has been granted. The graphics, photos and parts of the design created by us may only be used with prior written permission.
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This website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness and accuracy of the information contained. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence. W. Radtke Vers.-Verm. GmbH accepts no responsibility for the content of websites operated by third parties to which reference is made on this website.
Werner Radtke Vers.-Verm. GmbH
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